I enrolled for a bachelor degree study in Chemical Engineering at Catholic University of Parahyangan Bandung in 1997. At that time, Chemical Engineering was a relatively new engineering study, in particular for “UNPAR” as it was just started for about 4th year. It did not mean that the education quality was compensated. Many collaborations were (and are kept being) established for research and courses with other leading universities nationally and internationally to be competitive in quality in terms of lecturers as well as students. With this respect, I also got the opportunity to perform my final thesis under supervision of Prof. Dr. Ir. Dwiwahyu Sasongko at ITB and later obtained a scholarship to continue for a master degree at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen in the Netherlands majoring in Chemical Product Technology.
At this moment, I am working at Corbion, a global market leader company in bio-based products in particular lactic acid and its derivatives, as a Technical Project Manager. What I really like the most in my current role is that I could focus on the development of sustainable products and processes to safeguard a clean and safe environment as well as responsible use of resources. Definitely, the skill sets obtained during my study at “UNPAR” equip me to this role, not only the solid engineering background but also other skills such as project management and experiences in student organization. I would strongly recommend Chemical Engineering as a study that can prepare us to innovate and contribute in solving the global challenge that we currently have related to the climate change and the scarcity of natural resources.
Fesia Laksmana (Angkatan 1997)
Corbion – Technical Project Manager